Thursday, March 31, 2016


I just want to thank all of Jenni's family and friends, my family and friends. Not only the people who could make it out to our baby shower for Baby Quatro, but most definitely the family and friends who couldn't make it. Especially everyone who helped with the baby shower, we couldn't of done it without you!!!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!! Now let's get ready for Quatro to make his grand entrance to the world!!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

St. Patty's Day was a HOOT!!

Went out on St. Patty's Day last minute. Here's some of the action. Haha.

meet Ms. Ivy Ethel Medina

My friends, Matt and Zoe introduced the world to their bundle of joy, Ivy Ethel Medina on Wednesday 3.16.16. Jenni and myself had to go to the hospital and see lil Ivy and see how our friends were doing. Not too mention, get a feel for what we're about to get ourselves into coming up in May. I gotta say, Ivy is already a princess and I loved every second of holding her. Congrats to Matt and Zoe!!! Of course, while I was there, I had to snap a couple shots of the lil monster, check em out.