Thursday, October 20, 2016

SCIV & IVY at the park.

Our friends Matt, Zoe, and Princess Ivy went to the park with us so the lil monsters can swing and enjoy the great outdoors. The babies loved the swings!!! They were a lil small for them but they made it work, haha. I can't wait for these lil monsters to grow to bigger lil monsters so we can run around the park and play on the play place.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

SCIV is 4 months old!!!!

I still can't believe that our little monster is 4 months old!!!!!! Mornings is my favorite time to spend with my little boy. He's just so happy and ready for the day, like his pappy. So I took a couple shots of him just playing in bed with his mamma and pappy. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!