Monday, June 24, 2013


Looking through old pictures, I found a couple that I wanted to re-edit and post just for the hell of it, haha.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Need photos AND make-up done?! Get at us!!!

Mi familia ZFlair Make-Up and I are joining forces to bring you the 1 stop shop for photos this summer. The price will not be this low for long so get to it and hit us up!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Here are the last couple edits I did of some shots from this last photo shoot I did with singer/song writer Jeanette Hawkins. I wanted to try a couple different styles/looks to the photos. Hope you like em, I dig em.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Father's Day, being away from my family back home in Michigan, not being able to celebrate with my dad and mi abuelito sucked ass. The up side is that it freed me up to be able to work with songstress Jeanette Hawkins. I have seen her perform live a couple times and everytime I watch her, I get lost in her eyes, so I knew I had to shoot with her. Photo shoots haven't really been on my list of things to do as of late but I felt I had to get back into it and Jeanette gave me the perfect subject to shoot.

Being in Nor-Cal, there are a lot of open fields filled with dead grass and when the sunset hits them, it looks  incredible to me. That was the scene I wanted to set for the shoot with Jeanette, so we headed to a field about 5 min from my house that I stare at everyday I drive passed it. Once we got there, it was nothing but good times but also a race against the sun which always makes me antsy. All in all, looking at the shots I got, I was a lil rusty but I can't wait to shoot with her again, 1 of my favorite models to work with for sure. Here's one of mine and her favorite shots, check it out, and go listen to her music on her REVERB NATION page.


Recently, I made a trip to Auburn, CA with my HLM fam. They played outside of this downtown coffee shop, attracting people walking by, stopping to listen to them on their way to the classic car show about a block down. Before their set began, I did my exploring thing and snapped a couple shots. ENJOY.

I helped create this promo for IK Multimedia/Hero's Last Mission, watch it!!!

My fam Hero's Last Mission is endorsed by IK Multimedia who produces the iRig product line and they asked us to make them a video promo. So we went ahead and hooked them up but to add something special to it, HLM wrote a new song for it. WATCH IT, ENJOY.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013


Sitting here, thinking, wondering, what will the future hold for me. I sure as hell don't know, you don't know, so who knows?! Who do I ask? What is the right move? What is the wrong move? I guess that's why some categorize me as "RECKLESS" because I won't know the answer to any of these questions until it happens. Spinning steadily, sometimes too fast I get dizzy, only to stop and start all over again. My MIND spins. DAILY.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


So, last weekend I went to the Cine Gear Expo in Hollywood, CA at Paramount Studios for the weekend. On the last day I was in So-Cal, I went to visit my homie James Jones in Venice. He's another MICHIGAN NATIVE who moved to CALI and I had not seen him since he moved here, so I had to go. Met his gf Trish, super nice and gorgeous, he better keep a hold of that one, haha. Went and chilled beach side, walked through the streets, watched the skaters do there thing, checked out the Morrison mural. LOVE | LIFE.