Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Julez asked me to go see his friend Jackson play at something called Folsom Live, which is a country event held in downtown Folsom every year I guess. It was PACKED!!! I am so glad I went, it was super fun, but mostly because we got the chance to shoot. Any chance I get to shoot an artist AND there is GOOD lighting, it's gonna be a good night. I had never met or heard Jackson before but he ripped up the stage. Super nice dude and super talented. I will definitely go with Julez again to see Jackson live if given the opportunity. Until then, check out the shots I got!!

ASHLEY BARRON rockin the stage!!

I had the pleasure of taking shots of my friend Ashley Barron performing at the Country 4 Coaches event in Woodland, CA this past weekend. I almost wasn't able to get into the event but last minute someone gave the people working the entrance the ok to let me in, haha. Thank goodness they let me in because I was lucky enough to see my good friend Julian Mendoza perform with Ashley as well. Check out the shots!!