Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Prince Salvador Mason Cid IV is already 14 months, WTF.

Life has definitely been turned upside down since my lil boy came into this earth. He is growing so fast, learning new things, discovering, and exploring everywhere. He has revitalized my love for photos and just life in general. Mason shows me what life should be about. I see the joy on his face that everyone should feel everyday. With all lives struggles, I get caught up and tend to forget to be happy. When I am with him, I feel a love and happiness that I have never felt before. My emotions are such a roller coaster. The lows are real low and the highs are few and far between. So, when I get to have him with me, I enjoy feeding off of his good energy.

I know it is cliche to say, "I do everything for my kids", "My kids motivate me and give me my drive", but, it is so true in my life. Before Mase, I wasn't maturing into an adult and even fell off track of achieving my dreams. I was in a rut and who knows how long it would have taken me to get out of it, or if I even would have gotten out. I was drinking a lot, laying in my bed all day, not taking any pictures, doing anything creative, and being anti-social. Rotting in my own depression was all I was doing. So I am forever grateful for my baby boy. I am blessed that Jenni and I were lucky enough to make such a sweet little boy that brings joy to everyone he comes into contact with.

So, going forward, I am going to start living like Ferris Beuller. Mason is growing so fast, I am going to stop and enjoy the view more often and take way more pictures of my baby boy. I LOVE YOU SALVADOR MASON CID IV.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


I had the opportunity to shoot Ashley Barron's video release party at the Valencia Club in Loomis this past Friday. She had a killer performance of originals and a couple cover songs, then she had a special showing of her new video that I helped my homie Julian shoot. The video looked awesome, I hope she liked it. I had fun shooting the video and her release party. Hope I can work with her some more in the future. Before I go, I have to speak on the food at the Valencia Club. I ordered the VC Burger...........it is by far one of my favorite bacon cheese burgers I have ever experienced in my life. GO EAT THERE!!! Until then, check out these shots.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


My good friend and aspiring hip hop artist, Anthony aka A/LEE, collaborated with me on a shoot at a liquor store around the block from where I live in Citrus Heights. We had been talking about shooting with each other for while now and I'm glad it finally came to fruition because of the end results we got with these shots. He will be dropping some new music soon, so keep an eye & ear out. Check em out.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I totally forgot that my good friends, Julian(The Cold Mountain), Britt & A-Train(Zahkia) were performing at Goldfield in downtown Sacramento last night. So after work, I headed straight down there with Julian. I haven't been out in the music scene at all lately, so taking some photos and watching some artists do their thing was fun. It brought back memories of when I first moved to California, and would tag along with my fam Hero's Last Mission to all their open mic nights and shows around the area. That was a simpler time in my life. Just surrounded by music and taking pictures..........and not worrying or giving a fuck about what life had in store for me. Just living in the moment.

Before my friends performed, there was this insanely talented and beautiful singer who went up right before them named Elana Jane. I had to catch a couple shots of her while she was performing. She had that thing that some performers have, that just puts you in a trance. Her voice and her confidence on stage is powerful. I would love to see her perform again or do a photo shoot with her soon.